Guitar Chords – Diagrams and Lessons

If you play guitar, you play guitar chords. It’s as simple as that. Guitar chords are fascinating. You can learn three chords and play one thousand songs. Or you can learn one thousand chords and still have more to learn.

This page is dedicated to all things guitar chords. You’ll find a bunch of lessons, from beginner to advanced. You’ll also find links at the bottom of the page to individual chords

Guitar Chord Diagrams

Lessons About Guitar Chords

The following are links to six lessons in a series dedicated to chords. They work well as a sequence of lessons, but you can also jump in to a specific topic.

  • How guitar chords work – this lesson is the first lesson in a series of lessons about guitar chords. It breaks down what chords are and covers the basic chords that you should start out with.
  • How bar chords (or barre chords) work – bar chords are an important part of learning to play chords. This lesson breaks them down and shows you how to use them.
  • Sus chords (suspended chords) – sus chords sound awesome and are generally easy to play. This lesson is dedicated to suspended chords.
  • Essential jazz chords – if you want to learn to play jazz songs, you should start with these eight chords.
  • Chord names – there are lots of different chord names. What do they all mean?
  • Drop 2 jazz chords – if you really want to explore the guitar with chords, the drop 2 chord system will give you many hours of endless fun.

The following are links to various lessons on guitar chords. Some are easy, some are a bit more challenging.

Chord Library

The following links are to individual chords. If you want to know how to play a specific chord, click on any of the links in the expanding library below.

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