Are you a beginner? There are plenty of valuable lessons on this site that will help you get playing. However, the best thing you can do is sign up for the 20 part guitar course, called ‘Serious Guitar Lessons for the Smart Guitarist’ (click below).
Here are some lessons that every beginning guitarist should check out.
Open chords for beginners – Playing open chords on the guitar is one of the most basic and fundamental skills. It is one of the first things that the beginner needs to learn and once mastered, it is used constantly throughout different styles and levels.
How to play bar chords – This article makes bar chords seem simple. Bar chords can be a daunting prospect to the beginner.
How to strum – This post outlines in very simple terms just what rhythm is and provides a clear guide to approaching one of the most blurry and misunderstood topics on guitar – strumming.
Guitar scales – Scales are extremely important from a theoretical and practical perspective. This article addresses the most fundamental question, what is a scale and what is it used for?
Basic intervals – This article looks at intervals on the guitar and provides some ideas for using them and getting to know how they work.
Learn every note on the fretboard – There is a finite amount of notes to learn on the fretboard, yet most people never get past the first few frets. This post provides a simple approach to getting to know every note on the guitar.