The E flat Jazz Minor scale contains the following notes:
Eb – F – Gb – Ab – Bb – C – D
The Eb Jazz Minor scale is the same as the ascending version of the Eb Melodic Minor scale. It can also be viewed as an Eb Major scale, with a flat 3rd.
Eb Jazz Minor Modes
The Jazz Minor scale is important, because of the modes that are derived from it. The Eb Jazz Minor scale contains the following seven modes:
- Eb Jazz Minor
- F Dorian b2
- Gb Lydian Augmented
- Ab Lydian Dominant
- Bb Mixolydian b6
- C Aeolian b5
- D Super Locrian
CAGED Positions for the Eb Jazz Minor Scale
Here are the fret diagrams, as well as the sheet music and tabs for the five CAGED positions of E flat Jazz minor.
Eb Jazz Minor in the 1st Position (Lowest Fret is 1)
Eb Jazz Minor in the 2nd Position (Lowest Fret is 2)
Eb Jazz Minor in the 4th Position (Lowest Fret is 4)
Eb Jazz Minor in the 7th Position (Lowest Fret is 7)
Eb Jazz Minor in the 9th Position (Lowest Fret is 9)
Eb Jazz Minor Open Position
Here is the fret diagram and notes/tabs for the open position of Eb Jazz Minor.