D Major Arpeggio on the Guitar – 5 CAGED Positions, Tabs and Theory

The ‘D Major arpeggio’ is built from the 1 (root), 3 and 5 of the D Major scale. It contains the following notes:

D – F# – A

The D Major arpeggio is a D Major chord, with the notes played individually, one at a time. You can read about how arpeggios work, and access a library of arpeggios by following the links.

Let’s look at the open position for the D Major arpeggio and the 5 positions along the fretboard.

D Major Arpeggio in the Open Position

D Major Arpeggio Open Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio Open Position Notes

D Major Arpeggio CAGED Positions

Here are the 5 CAGED positions for the D Major arpeggio on the guitar (notes and tabs).

D Major Arpeggio in the 2nd Position (lowest fret is 2)

D Major Arpeggio 2nd Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio 2nd Position Notes

D Major Arpeggio in the 4th Position (lowest fret is 4)

D Major Arpeggio 4th Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio 4th Position Notes

D Major Arpeggio in the 7th Position (lowest fret is 7)

D Major Arpeggio 7th Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio 7th Position Notes

D Major Arpeggio in the 9th Position (lowest fret is 9)

D Major Arpeggio 9th Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio 9th Position Notes

D Major Arpeggio in the 10th Position (lowest fret is 10)

D Major Arpeggio 10th Position Frets
D Major Arpeggio 10th Position Notes

That covers the CAGED positions for the D Major arpeggio. Click on the following links to read more about arpeggios and related materials.

Further Reading

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